Universal Periodic Review Submissions on Bangladesh and Russia

CIVICUS’ submission to the UPR working group outlines concerns related to the environment in which civil society organisation and human rights defenders operate in Bangladesh, and discusses threats they face in the exercise of freedoms of expression, association and assembly. CIVICUS is concerned by the persistent harassment, intimidation and attack against human rights defenders, trade union activists and independent journalists in Bangladesh. Impunity by security forces and the repression of civil society ramain pressing issues for redressal by the government.

CIVICUS also made a joint submission with Citizens’ Watch and GOLOS Association in which they outline urgent concerns related to the stifling of freedom of association, assembly and expression through the adoption of several draconian laws by the Russian Parliament which seriously restricts the activities of civil society groups and makes them vulnerable to persecution by the State authorities.

The People's Republic of Bangladesh: Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review 16th Session of the UPR Working Group

Russia: Joint Submission by CIVICUS; Citizens' Watch and GOLOS Association to the UN Universal Periodic Review 16th Session of teh UPR Working Group


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Bureau pour l’onu: New-York
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450 Lexington Ave
NY 10017

Bureau pour l’onu : Geneve
11 Avenue de la Paix
Tél: +41.79.910.34.28