CIVICUS, a global civil society alliance calls on ASEAN to stop enabling Myanmar junta’s continuing brutal oppression against its citizens. Four years into the coup regime, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), has failed to deliver on its public pledges of a political solution.
The member states have turned a blind eye, legitimised the junta, and even provided arms, allowing the junta to continue violent and deadly attacks on civilians and a systematic repression of activists and civil society.
“ASEAN member states, especially Malaysia as the Chair, cannot continue to ignore the brutal repression against civilians, activists, and journalists. It must speak up against human rights violations, demand the release of political prisoners, and push for justice and accountability in Myanmar,” said Josef Benedict, Asia Pacific Researcher for CIVICUS.
While several UN member states have spoken up and imposed sanctions on the junta and associated enterprises, there has been little political will by ASEAN leaders to act. The five-point consensus agreement brokered by ASEAN leaders in Jakarta in April 2021 has seen no tangible progress.
Since 2021 February, CIVICUS Monitor has documented junta’s assaults on civic space in the country. Thousands of human rights defenders, activists and peaceful protesters are detained on fabricated charges of ‘incitement’ or ‘terrorism’ and sentenced to long prison sentences after unfair trials. Many have experienced torture and ill-treatment in detention, in some cases leading to unlawful deaths in custody, with no one held to account.
Activists have also been targeted online. The junta has orchestrated an online campaign of terror and weaponised social media to harass and incite violence against activists. Digital restrictions block the flow of information in and outside the country. Media has continued to be targeted with at least 35 journalists still in jail. There have been widespread abuses by the military against the Rohingya community with impunity. Aerial attacks have targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure.
Civil society groups have documented how ASEAN member states have been complicit in aiding and abetting the junta by providing them with weapons and aviation fuel. The regional body has also provided legitimacy to the regime by either attending junta-hosted conferences or inviting them to attend regional ASEAN events. The junta is now planning for sham elections in 2025.
“ASEAN must end complicity with the Junta. It should engage with the National Unity Government and civil society to support the Myanmar people’s goals. That is to fully dismantle the junta and restore democracy in Myanmar and hold the junta accountable for its continuing atrocities,” said Rajavelu Karunanithi, Asia Advocacy & Campaigns Officer for CIVICUS.
Notes to the editors:
Myanmar’s civic space is rated as ‘closed’ by the CIVICUS Monitor
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