During 2006, CIVICUS received US $2,259,507 in new income; $2,142,802 of this was from grants, comparing favourably with grant income in 2005 ($2,249,310). The majority of the grant income was for specific programmes ($1,648,985). Most other areas of income remained comparable to 2005, with membership fees and foundation memberships showing an increase from $37,823 to $58,084. CIVICUS ends the year with a surplus of $1,258,528, which includes income received in 2006 for activities in 2007. A number of programme-restricted grants do not follow a January – December financial year and this carry-over was anticipated.
CIVICUS also received a variety of non-financial support, principally in two areas: human resources and the hosting of meetings. We are extremely grateful to all those people who volunteered their time and skills in support of CIVICUS during 2006, to the donors who seconded staff to CIVICUS or supported fellowships and to those organisations that provided facilities and assisted in the hosting of meetings.
Throughout 2006, the Resource Mobilisation Department focused on fulfilling responsibilities to CIVICUS donors and supporters by remaining in regular contact, ensuring that CIVICUS' needs and activities are accurately described in applications, ensuring that funds are utilised in line with contract conditions and requested allocations and submitting high-quality reports in a timely manner. In that period CIVICUS had over 30 active contracts and, in order to effectively meet all its contract requirements, some systems changes were introducedand will continue to be improved upon and implemented in 2007. CIVICUS is also seeking to be more transparent in its activities. The development of a Resource Mobilisation Policy and an update of our Ethical Fundraising Guidelines was planned for early 2007.
In February 2006, CIVICUS convened a high-level task force of civil society leaders, funders and social entrepreneurs, The Financial Sustainability Task Force, to identify opportunities and devise a strategy to sustain the existence of CIVICUS in the long term. This task force, a varied group of 14 creative, forward-thinking people with diverse skills and experiences who share an interest in the CIVICUS mission and vision of a global community of active, informed, engaged citizens, was brought together to identify the best way(s) to promote and ensure the long-term sustainability of that mission and vision in light of current economic and philanthropic trends. Recommendations from this task force were passed to the Board for consideration and the final report will be incorporated into CIVICUS' Strategic planning process.
Towards the end of 2006 the Resource Mobilisation team tried, for the first time, a totally new method of generating income while also raising the awareness of CIVICUS' programmes and work. This method is the development of on-line 'virtual gifts' in partnership with the US based not-for-profit organisation, ChangingThePresent.org.
In 2007 CIVICUS will continue to improve its systems, reporting structures and methods for better accounting results for donors and better uses for organisational resources.
Liz Robson
CIVICUS Resource Mobilisation Manager 2006