
Poland: concerns over intimidation, violence and detentions of peaceful protesters

Joint letter to:

Clement Voule, UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Assembly and Association
Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders
Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Opinion and Expression
Tlaleng Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Physical and Mental Health
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson, 52 Rue des Pâquis
1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Poland: concerns over intimidation, violence and detentions of peaceful protesters

We are writing to you with regards to serious concerns over the repression of ongoing peaceful protests in Poland. Spontaneous protests against the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS)’s repeated attempts at rolling back on the sexual and reproductive human rights of women and girls in Poland have been held throughout the country since 22 October 2020, prompted by the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal to impose a near-total ban on abortion. However, peaceful protesters have been met with violence by authorities and have also faced intimidation, arrests and detentions for taking part in protests. Protesters have also faced attacks from non-state actors which include far-right/neo nazi militia groups.

Violence against protesters and journalists

Peaceful protesters have been met with the use of excessive force on several occasions during the almost two months of protests. During October, police in Warsaw used tear gas and pepper spray against hundreds of people protesting outside the home of PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Videos document how in one instance a police officer dragged a protester by the feet and hit him with a gas cylinder, while a woman trying to stop this was elbowed in the face. Just last week, video footage on social media captured how a 19 year old protester’s arm was broken in three different places by a police officer while being taken into police custody. Police in the video are heard saying “take them in for disruptions...”. This incident demonstrates the extreme levels of police violence used on protesters.

The authorities' use of kettling, pepper spray and physical violence against protesters are extremely concerning as these methods all involve close contact and may lead to an increase in the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Journalists covering protests have also been subject to violence. Over 600 journalists sent an appeal to authorities to refrain from deliberately hindering the work of the media during protests. In a recent incident, police violently detained photojournalist Agata Grzybowska, even after she presented her press card. She was charged with “violation of a policeman’s physical integrity” for allegedly blinding a police officer with a camera flash and taken to a police station and interrogated for several hours.

These actions are contrary to standards set out in international human rights law, specifically within the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which guarantees the right to freedoms of peaceful assembly, expression and information.

Intimidation and detention of protesters

Protesters, including minors, have faced intimidation from the authorities for taking part or freely expressing support, for protests. A 17-year-old was knocked to the ground by police during a protest and detained overnight; a 14-year-old who shared a Facebook post about a planned walk-in protest in his neighbourhood was threatened with criminal prosecution. Just last week, a 17 year- old was called in for questioning by authorities for committing “demoralisation” because she "participated in an illegal gathering". Some teachers and professors have threatened students with disciplinary action for using symbols of protests and showing support for the Women's Strike (Strajk Kobiet) and for participating in protests.

Authorities have also used tactics such as asking protest participants for their identification, recording their names and threatening protesters who refrain from giving out their personal information. According to Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) on the ground, the names of 900 protesters have been recorded thus far. Close to 70 protesters have been detained by the authorities. Many detainees from Warsaw are being taken to police stations up to 30 kilometres outside of Warsaw, with little or no access to legal representation.

Furthermore, Poland’s national public prosecutor, Bogdan Święczkowski, has issued an instruction via a letter to his office to bring charges against the organisers of mass protests for “causing an epidemiological threat.”

In addition, WHRDs have faced continuous threats, to the extent where they cannot return to their homes due to fears for their safety. They have reported that their personal details were leaked online by far-right groups which led to many of them being subjected to hate messages daily. Authorities have thus far failed to take any action to address such attacks.

The European Union and its leaders have been closely scrutinising the Polish government for undermining the rule of law, but have thus far failed to effectively address deteriorating civic space and other fundamental rights violations, including violations of the right to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression and information in Poland.

Access to sexual and reproductive health rights

Poland's abortion laws were already among the strictest in Europe. Under the law currently in force, it is very difficult for women to execute their right of access to abortion even when conditions for statutory abortion have been met. According to the monitoring of the Federation for Women and Family Planning in 2018, only 10% of hospitals in Poland provided abortion. It is estimated that over 120,000 women seek a termination abroad each year to get around the tight restrictions. Less than 40 abortions per year are based on the current legal grounds of endangerment of the mother’s life and on the grounds of rape or incest.

The Constitutional Tribunal’s ruling to impose a near total-ban on abortion by removing the third ground for legal abortion in Poland, i.e. abortion in case of fatal or severe foetal impairment, is already having far-reaching consequences on women’s access to sexual and reproductive health services. Although the ruling is yet to be published, organisations are already reporting that many women have been denied access to abortions. Pregnant women are scared, those intending pregnancies are unsure of access to prenatal testing and doctors are confused and apprehensive. The decision also risks exacerbating the vulnerability of women and girls who are already at risk, by widening the socio-economic gap between who can afford access to a safe abortion abroad and those who have no choice but to resort to dangerous underground practices.

The Constitutional Tribunal’s decision needs to be seen in the broader context of the ongoing rule of law crisis, affecting judicial independence in Poland. The independence and legitimacy of Poland’s CT as an effective constitutional review of legislative acts have been severely undermined by reforms implemented since 2015 by the ruling party, thus raising questions regarding the independence and impartiality of its judgments.

Requested Actions:

We respectfully urge you to condemn violence and repressions against protesters in Poland through a communication, in your individual capacities or jointly with other special procedures, notably by:

  • Calling on the Polish government and law enforcement to refrain from the use of excessive force and detention of protesters, who are exercising their right to peacefully assemble, and requesting that police officials who have used excessive force towards protesters must be immediately and effectively investigated and held accountable.
  • Calling on the Polish government and law enforcement to uphold the right to peaceful assembly, expression and information and drop ill-founded charges against protesters and journalists trying to document abuse
  • Calling on the Polish government and law enforcement to protect, take action to address the intimidation and attacks against WHRDs and to hold perpetrators to account by effectively, impartially and thoroughly investigating the alleged offenses.
  • Calling on the EU and its leaders to firmly condemn attacks against protesters and to take urgent action to address fundamental rights violations, including violations of the right to peaceful assembly, expression and information, and the deteriorating civic space in Poland.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions. We would be pleased to discuss this matter with you.

Yours faithfully,


CIVICUS: World Alliance for citizen participation is a global alliance of civil society organisations (CSOs) and activists dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society around the world. Founded in 1993, CIVICUS has over 10,000 members in 175 countries. The CIVICUS Monitor is an online tool which tracks and rates civic space globally.

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is a global network which champions sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (the Observatory) was created in 1997 by FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT). The objective of this programme is to prevent or remedy situations of repression against human rights defenders. FIDH and OMCT are both members of ProtectDefenders.eu, the European Union Human Rights Defenders Mechanism implemented by international civil society.

Great Coalition for Equality and Choice is an informal initiative, gathering more than 100 non-governmental organisations and pro-women movements that promote women’s rights, especially sexual and reproductive health and rights in Poland.

  1. ADDP l’Association Défense de la Démocratie en Pologne (Stowarzyszenie na rzecz obrony demokracji w Polsce)
  2. ASTRA Network
  3. BABA Lubuskie Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Kobiet
  4. Berliński Kongres Kobiet
  5. Black Brussels Balloons
  6. Czarny Protest Gliwice
  7. Democracy is OK (DOK)
  8. Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet
  9. Dolnośląskie Forum Kobiet Stowarzyszeń i środowisk Kobiecych
  10. Dziewuchy Berlin
  11. Dziewuchy Dziewuchom Francja
  12. Dziewuchy Londyn
  13. Dziewuchy Szczecin
  14. Dziewuchy Szwajcaria
  15. Farsa
  16. Federacja na Rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny
  17. Federacja Polskie Lobby Kobiet
  18. Femini Berlin Polska
  19. Feministyczne Stowarzyszenie Polonijne Elles sans Frontieres ASBL
  20. Fudacja Klamra
  21. Funcacja Cicha Tęcza
  22. Fundacja Centrum Praw Kobiet
  23. Fundacja Czas Dialogu
  24. Fundacja Droga Kobiet
  25. Fundacja Edukacja – Równość – Aktywność – Dialog Era Dialogu
  26. Fundacja Feminoteka
  27. Fundacja Głosuj na Kobietę
  28. Fundacja im. Izabeli Jarugi-Nowackiej
  29. Fundacja im. Kazimierza Łyszczyńskiego
  30. Fundacja Inicjatywa Kobiet Aktywnych
  31. Fundacja Kobiety Zmieniają Świat
  32. Fundacja na Rzecz Równości i Emancypacji STER
  33. Fundacja Nowoczesnej Edukacji SPUNK
  34. Fundacja Pozytywnych Zmian
  35. Fundacja Prawnikon
  36. Fundacja Przestrzenie Dialogu
  37. Fundacja Rodzić po ludzku
  38. Fundacja Trans-Fuzja
  39. Galeria Inspiracji
  40. Grupa nieformalna Równość.info
  41. Grupa Ponton
  42. Inicjatywa Sto Lat Głosu Kobiet
  43. Koalicja KARAT
  44. Kobiety w Sieci
  45. KOD Kobiety
  46. Konferencja Episkopatu Polek
  47. Kongres Kobiet Północnej Wielkopolski (Stowarzyszenie „Metropolia Wielkopolska”)
  48. Kongres Kobiet w Tomaszowie
  49. Kongres Kobiet Województwa Śląskiego
  50. Kongres Świeckości
  51. Koszalińskie Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Lokalnej Era Kobiet
  52. Lambda Warszawa
  53. Lubelska Koalicja na Rzecz Kobiet
  54. Łódzki Szlak Kobiet
  55. Manifa Bydgoska
  56. Manfia Koszalin Strajk Kobiet
  57. Manifa Lublin
  58. Manifa Łódź
  59. Manifa Rzeszów
  60. Manifa Toruńska
  61. Manifest Wolnej Polki
  62. Mapa kościelnej pedofilli
  63. Marsz Godności
  64. Medical Students For Choice Poland
  65. Międzynarodowy Strajk Kobiet
  66. Nic o nas bez nas. Ruch kobiecy Gliwice i Pyskowice
  67. Nieformalna Grupa Czarny Protest
  68. Nieformalna Grupa Inicjatywna z Bydgoszczy
  69. Obywatelskie Stowarzyszenie “Możemy”
  70. Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet
  71. OSK Gryfino
  72. OSK Kielce
  73. OSK Lublin
  74. OSK Puławy
  75. OSK Sanok
  76. Plakaciary
  77. Polskie Towarzystwo Genderowe
  78. Polskie Towarzystwo Prawa Antydyskryminacyjnego
  79. Protest kobiet
  80. Ratujmy Kobiety
  81. Ratujmy Kobiety Tarnów
  82. Różowa skrzyneczka
  83. Stowarzyszenie Aktywne Kobiety
  84. Stowarzyszenie Dolnośląski Kongres Kobiet
  85. Stowarzyszenie im. Stanisława Brzozowskiego – Krytyka Polityczna
  86. Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Kobiecych
  87. Stowarzyszenie Klucz Stop Społecznym Wykluczeniom
  88. Stowarzyszenie Kobiecy Słupsk
  89. Stowarzyszenie Kobieta na PLUS
  90. Stowarzyszenie Kobiety Piaseczno
  91. Stowarzyszenie Kongres Kobiet
  92. Stowarzyszenie Koniński Kongres Kobiet
  93. Stowarzyszenie Łódzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom
  94. Stowarzyszenie Nasz Bocian
  95. Stowarzyszenie ON/OFF
  96. Stowarzyszenie Poprawy Spraw Alimentacyjnych – Dla Naszych Dzieci
  97. Stowarzyszenie Pro Femina
  98. Stowarzyszenie Prowincja Równości
  99. Stowarzyszenie Stan Równości
  100. Stowarzyszenie Stop Stereotypom
  101. Stowarzyszenie Szlakiem Kobiet
  102. 102 Stowarzyszenie Wszechnicy Oświeceniowo-Racjonalistycznej
  103. Tęczowy Tarnów
  104. Toruńskie Dziewuchy
  105. Trójmiejska Akcja Kobieca
  106. Warszawski Strajk Kobiet
  107. Warszawskie Dziewuchy
  108. Wielkopolski Kongres Kobiet

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